Celebrate Canadian Food Heroes with Meat & Poultry Ontario
Together with our partners, Meat & Poultry has developed a campaign to let consumers know we’re here for them and to celebrate the #cdnFoodHeroes who are serving our communities through the pandemic. Help us spread the message by using our shareable resources or by sharing your local food hero stories using the hashtag #cdnFoodHeroes.

Get Involved Help Us Celebrate Canadian Food Heroes
Help us spread the message and celebrate front-line food workers across our communities. Your involvement can be as simple as sharing our letter or your posting own #cdnFoodHeroes story on social media. Download our resources and tip sheets to get started.

Send Us Your Photos & Videos Share Your #cdnFoodHeroes Story
We’re always looking for great content to share. Have a great photo of a food hero that you’d like to celebrate? How about a video letting consumers know we’re here for them? Download our tip sheet and share your content with us.

Follow Us #cdnFoodHeroes
Follow @HomegrownOn on Twitter and like @OntarioMeatPoultry on Facebook to follow along with the campaign and like and share our message. Use the hashtag #CdnFoodHeroes when posting your own content and we will share your stories too.